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Dr. Nafees Ahmed

Department of Chemistry
Jagannath University (JnU) Dhaka-1100

Short Description

Dr. Nafees Ahmed is a Professor of Chemistry at Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Professor Ahmed completed his B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. in chemistry from the Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka in 2006 and 2008 respectively. He was rewarded Ph.D. in polymer science from the Division of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Japan in 2011. He began his teaching career from Stamford University of Bangladesh in 2012. In the same year he joined the Department of Chemistry, Jagannath University as Lecturer. Professor Ahmed started his research in Physical Chemistry in this institution beside teaching. His research interest covers the area of physical chemistry, surface chemistry, polymer chemistry, material science and environmental chemistry. He has a good number of publications in nationally and internationally reputed journals. Beside scientific activities he is involved in curriculum designing and institutional quality assurance program. He has got some write up published in the National Daily Newspapers regarding national and international issues. Dr. Ahmed is now playing a role as Secretary General of Bangladesh STEM Foundation (bdSTEM). He has got lifetime membership of Bangladesh Chemical Society, NITUB, DUCAA and bdSTEM. He has expertise in sorption of dye, organic pollutant onto biomaterials and hydrogel, diffusion mechanism of minerals and dye through hydrogel matrices.

Personal Information

Date of Birth

: 21 November, 1981

Marital Status

: Married

Parmanent address

: 10, Md. Asgar Lane, Chawk Bazar (SetaraManzil, 3rd floor),Dhaka-1211, Bangladesh.




: +880-1913123498



PhD in Biological Sciences

Hokkaido University, Japan


M.S in Physical Chemistry

University of Dhaka, Bangladesh


B Sc in Chemistry

University of Dhaka


HSC in Science

Bangladesh Rifles School & College, Dhaka, Bangladesh


SSC in Science

Armanitola Govt. High School, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Professional Experience


03 April 2024-Till Now

Jagannath University


19 December 2019- 02 April 2024

Jagannath University

Associate Professor

1 December 2013- 18 December 2019

Jagannath University

Assistant Professor

15 July 2012 - 30 November 2013

Jagannath University


21 April 2012 - 14 July 2012

Stamford University Bangladesh



(i) As a teacher of the different courses at different semesters I use to conduct the classes of 3 or 2 credit theory and practical courses. I conduct the tutorials, viva-voce and prepare the continuous assessment at the end of the semester before commencing the final examination.

(ii) I am also involved in an examination committee. The key responsibilities of this committee are arranging the examination on due period of time after the completion of the courses, monitoring the examination (distribution and collection of the answer scripts form the examiners) and finally preparing the results.

(iii) I am now one of the members of the syllabus preparing sub-committee. The main responsibilities are modifying the course curriculum, designing and incorporating new courses in physical chemistry at undergraduate as well as graduate level.

(iv) I supervise graduate students to conduct their research works on surface chemistry, specially the adsorption of inorganic and organic pollutants on different sorts of bioadsorbents. The research works are supervised in terms of laboratory experiments, group discussion, monthly presentation and paper writing.

(v) Active participation in Chemistry Olympiad at the national level since 2012.


(a) One year research experience in the Physical Chemistry Research Laboratory, University of Dhaka, under the supervision of Professor Tajmeri Selina Akhter Islam. A project work entitled “Estimation of Equilibrium time for the Adsorption of Arsenic on Used Tea Leavesand Kaolinite” was successfully completed in 4th year of B.Sc. (Hons).

(b) One year researchexperiencein the Physical Chemistry Research Laboratory, University Of Dhakaunder the supervision of professor Tajmeri Selina Akhter Islam. The thesis work entitled “Removal of As(III) from Water by Used Black Tea Leaves (UBTLs) and Iron Oxide Coated Used Black Tea Leaves (IOC-UBTLs)” in MS (in Physical Chemistry).

(c) Three year research experience as a doctoral student in the Laboratory of Soft & Wet Matter, Division of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Jian Ping Gong. The PhD thesis work was entitled“Study on the Growth Process of Barnacle on Soft Substrates”.

(d) I am now supervising postgraduate students to conduct their research works on surface chemistry, specially the adsorption of inorganic and organic pollutants on different sorts of bioadsorbents and polymeric hydrogels.


(i) I got the Junior Scholarship at Class VIII in 1995.

(ii) I was awarded the Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship in Japan for pursuing my Ph.D. in 2008.


(i) Life Member of Dhaka University Chemistry Alumni Association, DUCAA (LM-086)

(ii) Life Member of Bangladesh Crystallographic Association, BCA (LM-218)

(iii) Life Member of Bangladesh Chemical Society, BCS (LM-1156)

(iv) Member of The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, SPSJ since 2010

(v) Member of Registration and Publicity Sub-Committee of 16th Asian Chemical Congress 2015 (16ACC)

(vi) Member of SPM Team of the recently completed sub-project (Window-1) entitled ‘Advancement in Teaching and Learning at Undergraduate and Master’s Level in Chemistry’ Under HEQEP (Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project) project (CP-3380) under the AIF (Academic Innovation Fund) grant of UGC (University Grants Commission of Bangladesh) from July 2014-June 2016 and May 2017-September 2018 (supplementary funding).

(vii) Involved in the activities of Internal Quality Assurance Programme launched by HEQEP funded by the World Bank for the academic excellence.

(viii) Co-convener of Souvenir and Publication sub-committee of the 8th Bangladesh Chemistry Olympiad 2017 and Convener of the same sub-committee of the 9th Bangladesh Chemistry Olympiad 2018.

(ix) Joint Secretary, National Committee, Bangladesh STEM Foundation (bdSTEM) for the tenure 2021-2023

(x) Secretary General, Regional Committee of bdSTEM_JnU for the tenure 2021-2023

(xi) Reviewer of the Science Journal of Chemistry.

(xii) Executive Member of Hokkaido University Alumni Association in Bangladesh, HUAAB (2023-2025)

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